Thursday, November 9, 2023

My Love of James Avery

This bracelet started off as my retired pieces only, but now I would say it's my "Cute" bracelet, I add charms that I couldn't resist buying. These charms bring me happiness. The S'more charm and the cupcake charm are my newest additions to this bracelet. I also added the new Dr. Pepper charm to this bracelet. I hope James Avery does a Coca-Cola! Checkout some of the charms I'm selling over on my website. HERE

Instagram- @jamesaveryqueen

TikTok- James Avery Queen

Saturday, October 28, 2023

My latest James Avery Charm Purchases

 Here’s a quick video on the last 2 charms I purchased from James Avery. The Cheeseburger charm is sooo cute and detailed. Watch HERE

I haven’t posted in a while, but the website is back up and running! My charm collection has probably tripled since my last blog post so I can’t wait to share everything with y’all!

Shop my charms HERE!

Follow me on instagram- @jamesaveryqueen 

Monday, May 17, 2021

My Website is LIVE!

 Hey guys! I'm ready to show you all what I've been working on. I've always wanted my own website, but I didn't know what I wanted to sell, so I created a website about what I love most which is JAMES AVERY. I will be selling all things James Avery related,  mostly retired charms but also items that I no longer wear or need anymore. I'm really excited about this website because it wasn't very hard to set up. I've put off the idea of opening a store because I thought it would be too complicated to deal with and create. If there is anything you've always wanted to do I say go do it! You might realize it's easier than you thought it would be! CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!

Friday, May 14, 2021

My Favorite James Avery Bracelets

 These two beauties are my ALL time favorite JA charm bracelets. My favorite color is PINK and its all over these 2. I love James Avery because they create the most beautiful charms. I've tried to get into the Pandora bracelets but I'd much rather spend ALL my money at JA! My charm bestie once said she's a snob for James Avery and I feel the same exact way 1000%!  The diamond bracelet in the middle is from Kay Jewelers I got it for $50 for the Mother's Day special and it ALREADY broke! 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

My Enamel Bracelet

This is my Enamel bracelet, I absolutely adore this bracelet but I don't wear it much. The enamel can chip after a while so I wear it as little as possible. James Avery can re-enamel charms for you I believe its $20. I've thought about taring this bracelet apart because there's no fun in not wearing a it out of fear. A few of these charms are retired now; The Typewriter, Pink Easter Egg, Pink Lock heart, Red High Heel, and the Bow. A few others are on the Retiring list; Floral Heart, Soccer Mom, The Pink heart Finial, & The Car. So grab them before it's too late. I don't know what the future holds for this bracelet BUT it sure is pretty to look at! 😍💟

Saturday, April 24, 2021

My First Pair Of James Avery Earrings

 These heart to heart earrings are my very first pair of James Avery earrings. I only paid $30 for these cuties because I bought them off of someone. I was stoked! I don’t mind buying used Avery because I find the best deals. 💅

Thursday, April 22, 2021


 This part of my bracelet represents my dad, he passed away right before COVID started. He brought home our very first dog when we were kids so the Puppy charm represents that. I miss my dad, we weren't very close because he was an addict but he was still my Dad. Every time we spoke he reminded us of how much he loved us and I will miss that the most. 😔 I still can't believe he is gone, still can't grasp the fact that I will never see him again or hear his voice. Love your parents while they are still around because it's a pain like no other, the day you lose them. 

My Love of James Avery

This bracelet started off as my retired pieces only, but now I would say it's my "Cute" bracelet, I add charms that I couldn...